Friday, February 24, 2017

A valuable practice in a hectic reality

Life is hard.  There’s simply no getting around that.  This has always been true to some degree, but I can particularly feel it since my dad passed away.  That’s why 1 Peter 5:7 is a verse that is precious to me.  The verse reads, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

I recently heard a sermon on this verse where the pastor said that in the original Greek language, the word “cast” literally means to “throw”.  I like to picture that we are to toss the anxiety to the Lord like a pitcher throws a baseball to his catcher.
Of course, the elephant in the room that I must address here is that you can cast your anxiety to God, and then 2 minutes later, you can pick it up and put it right back on your shoulders again.  I think that is common.  But if you really want to experience peace from the anxiety, you have to continually decide to throw the anxiety back to God.  You might have to do this over and over again (that’s how it’s been for me); it takes focus, diligence, and attention.  But it’s worth it to not be plagued by anxiety.
It’s also very important to realize that when you decide to practice 1 Peter 5:7, it doesn’t magically make the issue that is troubling you go away.  No, often the situation hasn’t changed at all, but the anxiety that is gripping me begins to dissipate.  I face a situation that is producing anxiety in me, and I pray, “Lord, I cast this anxiety-provoking situation to You.  It’s too much for my shoulders, You take it.”  I begin to feel lighter on my feet, even though the situation hasn’t even changed.  I think this is because I’m looking to God and His sufficiency, rather than looking exclusively at the situation.

Let me conclude with the second part of the verse.  1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him” why?  “Because He cares for you.”  J.B. Phillips paraphrases it this way: “You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon Him, for you are His personal concern.”  Isn’t that amazing?  Stop and think about this truth: the creator of the universe cares for you and me; He is interested in the things that matter to us.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Happy love day!

One of my hobbies is watching you tube videos.  Usually I watch some of my favorite gamers play video games, but there is a vast array of you tube video subjects to choose from.  You tube has ads that play before the video starts (sometimes after the video as well, and even in the middle of the video on some longer ones).  I was surprised that a recent ad from Starbucks not only caught my attention, but I felt it was so important that I thought I would mention it in this blog.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, for a limited time, Starbucks is offering chocolate themed drinks.  That is certainly something to note, but the reason this ad grabbed me is because the particular employee of Starbucks – who was the spokesperson for this ad – was reflecting on Valentine’s Day.  Her words were as follows: “It doesn’t matter who you are.  Whether you are a couple, whether you are best friends, whether you’re family, whatever love you have that’s what Valentine’s Day is about.”  I wholeheartedly agree!

Another aspect of love that I want to mention is God’s love for humanity.  I am humbled as I contemplate God’s amazing love for me personally.  He is so faithful to “show up and show off” as a friend of mine has put it.  I love God and want to please Him; but to be honest I don’t always live as I should.  I trip, stumble, and fall into the sin that “so easily besets” me (old King James rendering of Hebrews 12).  Yet He is quick to pick me up, clean me up, and forgive me.  This doesn’t mean that I should just throw in the towel altogether on trying to live a life of righteousness, but even in those unfortunate episodes of sin, God’s love for me doesn’t flicker.  


Friday, February 10, 2017

Super Bowl 51 reaction

I think Al Michaels put it best regarding the unpredictability of sports with the title of his book; he entitled it “You can’t make this up.”  I have seen a lot of Super Bowl games, but Super Bowl 51 has to be the most improbable, crazy, shocking, unlikely, unprecedented Super Bowl I’ve ever seen in my life.  You might remember that I picked the Falcons to win the game, and for most of the game that prediction held up, but the New England Patriots would simply not be denied.

Some people are criticizing the Falcons for letting the lead slip away, but I don’t think that’s fair.  I saw a Patriot team that displayed unbelievable resolve.  They reminded me of Rocky Balboa in the boxing ring.  Like Rocky, the Patriots never gave up; no matter how many times they were knocked down they kept on fighting.  Even if it they had to climb out of a 28-3 hole, and force the first ever overtime in Super Bowl history to win.  

What the New England Patriots did defies conventional football logic and wisdom. Love the Patriots or hate them, you have to give them a lot of credit for doing what nobody saw coming.  Michaels is right: you can’t make this up.
