Saturday, February 11, 2017

Happy love day!

One of my hobbies is watching you tube videos.  Usually I watch some of my favorite gamers play video games, but there is a vast array of you tube video subjects to choose from.  You tube has ads that play before the video starts (sometimes after the video as well, and even in the middle of the video on some longer ones).  I was surprised that a recent ad from Starbucks not only caught my attention, but I felt it was so important that I thought I would mention it in this blog.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, for a limited time, Starbucks is offering chocolate themed drinks.  That is certainly something to note, but the reason this ad grabbed me is because the particular employee of Starbucks – who was the spokesperson for this ad – was reflecting on Valentine’s Day.  Her words were as follows: “It doesn’t matter who you are.  Whether you are a couple, whether you are best friends, whether you’re family, whatever love you have that’s what Valentine’s Day is about.”  I wholeheartedly agree!

Another aspect of love that I want to mention is God’s love for humanity.  I am humbled as I contemplate God’s amazing love for me personally.  He is so faithful to “show up and show off” as a friend of mine has put it.  I love God and want to please Him; but to be honest I don’t always live as I should.  I trip, stumble, and fall into the sin that “so easily besets” me (old King James rendering of Hebrews 12).  Yet He is quick to pick me up, clean me up, and forgive me.  This doesn’t mean that I should just throw in the towel altogether on trying to live a life of righteousness, but even in those unfortunate episodes of sin, God’s love for me doesn’t flicker.  


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