Friday, February 24, 2017

A valuable practice in a hectic reality

Life is hard.  There’s simply no getting around that.  This has always been true to some degree, but I can particularly feel it since my dad passed away.  That’s why 1 Peter 5:7 is a verse that is precious to me.  The verse reads, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

I recently heard a sermon on this verse where the pastor said that in the original Greek language, the word “cast” literally means to “throw”.  I like to picture that we are to toss the anxiety to the Lord like a pitcher throws a baseball to his catcher.
Of course, the elephant in the room that I must address here is that you can cast your anxiety to God, and then 2 minutes later, you can pick it up and put it right back on your shoulders again.  I think that is common.  But if you really want to experience peace from the anxiety, you have to continually decide to throw the anxiety back to God.  You might have to do this over and over again (that’s how it’s been for me); it takes focus, diligence, and attention.  But it’s worth it to not be plagued by anxiety.
It’s also very important to realize that when you decide to practice 1 Peter 5:7, it doesn’t magically make the issue that is troubling you go away.  No, often the situation hasn’t changed at all, but the anxiety that is gripping me begins to dissipate.  I face a situation that is producing anxiety in me, and I pray, “Lord, I cast this anxiety-provoking situation to You.  It’s too much for my shoulders, You take it.”  I begin to feel lighter on my feet, even though the situation hasn’t even changed.  I think this is because I’m looking to God and His sufficiency, rather than looking exclusively at the situation.

Let me conclude with the second part of the verse.  1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him” why?  “Because He cares for you.”  J.B. Phillips paraphrases it this way: “You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon Him, for you are His personal concern.”  Isn’t that amazing?  Stop and think about this truth: the creator of the universe cares for you and me; He is interested in the things that matter to us.


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