Friday, February 10, 2017

Super Bowl 51 reaction

I think Al Michaels put it best regarding the unpredictability of sports with the title of his book; he entitled it “You can’t make this up.”  I have seen a lot of Super Bowl games, but Super Bowl 51 has to be the most improbable, crazy, shocking, unlikely, unprecedented Super Bowl I’ve ever seen in my life.  You might remember that I picked the Falcons to win the game, and for most of the game that prediction held up, but the New England Patriots would simply not be denied.

Some people are criticizing the Falcons for letting the lead slip away, but I don’t think that’s fair.  I saw a Patriot team that displayed unbelievable resolve.  They reminded me of Rocky Balboa in the boxing ring.  Like Rocky, the Patriots never gave up; no matter how many times they were knocked down they kept on fighting.  Even if it they had to climb out of a 28-3 hole, and force the first ever overtime in Super Bowl history to win.  

What the New England Patriots did defies conventional football logic and wisdom. Love the Patriots or hate them, you have to give them a lot of credit for doing what nobody saw coming.  Michaels is right: you can’t make this up.


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