Friday, November 17, 2017

Thanksgiving list (part 1)

I love Thanksgiving because it’s a glorious opportunity to remember the blessings that God has lavished on us. I want to share my Thanksgiving list.  I have 5 for today, and I’ll share the other 5 in the next blog.  It’s not an exhaustive list by any means, but it’s been enjoyable to compose it.

1. The incredible adventure of life with God

Rebecca St. James once said, “I think a lot of people that don’t really understand Christianity think that the Christian life has to be boring…and it’s never fun.  But actually, I believe that the Christian life is the most incredible adventure.  Because think about it: we have nothing to worry about; our future is in God’s hands; we’re safe, we’re secure, we’re forgiven, we’re free.”  I deeply resonate with those words.  Life with God is the most incredible adventure.

2. Protection from God

We live in a world that is frightening and dangerous.  My heart has broken many times this year when I heard of the lives that have been lost due to violence.  We saw the sickening images of the massacre in Las Vegas.  There was a church shooting in Texas, another terrorist attack in New York, and right here in Colorado – in a Walmart that I have actually shopped at on occasion – 3 people were killed by a lunatic with a gun.  But it’s not just violence, you take your life into your own hands when you get into a car and drive somewhere.  Unfortunately, there are fatalities on the road as well.  To arrive home safely after the day’s activities truly is a gift from God to be very thankful for.

3. Superheroes

Not surprisingly, I could go on and on with this one.  But for today let me highlight two superheroes.  First of all, let me bring up Spider-Man.  I have been meaning to blog about how much I love the new Spider-Man movie “Spider-Man: Homecoming” anyway.  I will always have a special place in my heart for Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man.  I actually became a Spider-Man fan because of Tobey’s portrayal.  But there is an equally memorable and impressive Spider-Man now.  Tom Holland hits a home run.  He captures Spider-Man’s humor, valor, and inner angst.

Second, let me bring up The Flash, specifically the TV show starring Grant Gustin.  I appreciate this show because The Flash (A.K.A. Barry Allen) is a figure of light, righteousness, and optimism.  He strives to be the best person he can be, even though he knows all about tragedy and pain.  This trait inspires me. I also want to say how much I’m enjoying this current season of the show.  The 4th season is just getting started, and in my opinion, the show continues to just get better and better. 

4. Family and friends

I’m having trouble finding the words to express just how much I love and appreciate my family.  They are gifts from God.  I think when you suffer a loss like my family has it brings you closer together and makes you realize how each day you have to be together is a gift. 

As for friends, someone said you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends.  What a blessing to have people in my life who love and accept me because of the bond of friendship, even if we are not related by blood!

5. Music

Many years ago, before this blog existed, I wrote about how much I appreciate uplifting, edifying music.  I wrote when the clouds of discouragement gather above me, one of the great gifts that dispel them is music; music that focuses on God and His amazing faithfulness, love, grace, forgiveness, and so on.  I still feel that way today.  I also want to submit to you how much I love singing songs of praise to God with my brothers and sisters in Christ at church.  It lifts my spirits and reminds me all over again that life is not about me; it’s all about God.

To be continued!

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