Friday, July 8, 2022

Coming soon in July

I’ve just concluded a work week where nearly every day I arrived at 6:15 AM!  Stating this in written form shows me afresh how God is my helper.  Trust me, by nature, I’m not an early riser, but God has miraculously empowered me to do this.  I begin in this way so that you understand why I’m about to write this next statement: I have several blogs in my head that I want to write, but I don’t have the energy.  So I thought I would compose this installment today where I just submit to you what I plan to write in the coming days.

First off, unbelievably, it was 20 years ago when the first Spider-Man movie – known simply as “Spider-Man” – with Tobey Maguire was released.  In celebration of this, I want to present a blog (maybe even 2 blogs) about why I love this film.  Growing up, I had a mild interest in the wall crawler, but watching “Spider-Man” turned my appreciation up a few notches.  So much so I can state that Spidey is probably my favorite superhero today.  This would not be the case if it weren’t for Tobey Maguire’s magnificent portrayal in “Spider-Man”.

Secondly, I’ve been viewing “Christmas in July” programming the last few days.  I’ve heard about this concept for many years, but I confess I’m having trouble understanding why this is a thing.  Maybe there’s a lull and people just want to celebrate something.  In Colorado, we celebrated the Avalanche winning the Stanley Cup, and then we celebrated Independence Day.  So we’re exhausted from all the celebrating!  But regardless, I plan to compose a Christmas blog – in July. This is something I’ve never done before, so I’m excited about the notion.

Third, as I’ve alluded to a few times already, this month marks 20 years since a wonderful pastor named Rick Ferguson went to his home-going in Heaven.  I’ve been preparing for this blog for a while now.  I’ve been listening to his sermons again, reading what he wrote, and contemplating his legacy.  I’m not entirely sure what shape that blog will take as yet, but his influence and example is still will me, even to this very day.  It’s not about me; but I would be exceptionally pleased if people are still considering my life and example 20 years after my death.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t write a blog in July about my father.  Since it was in July of 2015 when he unexpectedly passed away.  While I will give some personal reflections; for example, I probably will mention things like his humor, a sense of humor that no one could ever duplicate no matter how hard they tried.  But also I will comment on how, somehow, it’s already been 7 years.  Time marches on!

To be continued!


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