Thursday, September 29, 2022

The bright gem of Spider-Man 2 (Part 2)

I love the film “Spider-Man 2”.  Last time, I began detailing why.  Let’s get right back to it.

Compassionate Speech

Peter is as lost as ever.  He has tried to shirk his responsibilities as Spider-Man, but he still wants to protect others.  He gets the help he needs in one of my favorite scenes of the film.  Aunt May is moving.  And she, along with a boy named Henry, are working hard at organizing everything and putting them into boxes.  Henry brings up Spider-Man, and Aunt May chimes in on his absence of his picture in the papers.  The subject then turns to Henry himself, and how he actually wants to be Spider-Man one day.  When Peter asks why, his aunt replies with a touching speech:

“Lord knows kids like Henry need a hero.  Courageous, self-sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us.  Everybody loves a hero; people line up for them, cheer them, scream their names.  And years later, they’ll tell how they stood in the rain for hours, just to get a glimpse of the one who taught them to hold on a second longer.  I believe there’s a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride.  Even though sometimes, we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most, even our dreams.  Spider-Man did that for Henry, and he wondered where’s he’s gone.  He needs him.”

These words inspire Peter to choose the hard life of Spider-Man again.  This is the moment he chose Spider-Man in his heart and soul.

Complete Surprise

One of the more intriguing aspects of “Spider-Man 2” is the Peter and Mary Jane relationship.  The ‘will they/won’t they’ storyline is something I find quite fascinating.  Remember it was Peter’s decision to protect MJ from his dangerous life that drove her into the arms of John Jameson in the first place; when she accepted John’s hand in marriage, Peter’s future with MJ looked very bleak.  But, at this point in the film, some dramatic surprises regarding her relationship with Peter begin to occur.  First off, Peter is surprised when MJ contacts him and asks him meet her in a local café.

Mary Jane had previously realized that maybe she didn’t really love John Jameson, and her heart lies elsewhere.  Thus, the surprise invitation.  At the café, there was another surprise: she boldly asks Peter if he loves her.  In another desperate attempt to protect her, Peter lies, and says he doesn’t.  Undeterred, she asks Peter to kiss her, because she “needs to know something.”  But Doctor Octopus appears, (after Peter, in a dazzling cinematic moment, saves them both from a car Ock had tossed at them).  Doc Ock demands that Peter find Spider-Man, and he kidnaps Mary Jane for good measure.  This sets the stage for more surprises in the next act of the film.

Crazy good sequence

After Peter takes back his Spider-Man suit that his boss, J. Jonah Jameson, had displayed on the wall in his office, he immediately goes after Ock.  Their fight ends up landing them both on a train.  I could go on and on with the breathtaking moments that occur in the entire marvelous scene, but I want to focus on Doctor Octopus’ speeding up the train, and cutting the brakes, forcing Spider-Man to stop it before the train falls off the unfinished bridge.  There’s a you tube video where someone details this entire train scene; he comments:

“This decision may seem out of place, but when you think about it, it’s actually a brilliant move on Octavius’ part.  He’s fully confident that Spider-Man will stop this train.  After all, he has a deal with Harry Osborn to trade Spider-Man for the fusion material.  He has no reason to kill Spider-Man at this point; meaning, it’s all done to tire him out as much as possible, since he knows he’ll always find a way to keep chasing him.  No better way to tire a superhero than forcing them into a life and death scenario.”

Ultimately, he does stop the train, inches before everyone would have fallen off the unfinished tracks.  But Peter is so exhausted that he has no strength left; he loses consciousness, and would have actually fallen to his death, had the passengers of the train not caught him.  This same you tube video continues: “In “Spider-Man 2”, the scene is executed gracefully by having the passengers pull Peter up into the train, in a Christ-like manner.”  Then Ock returns, easily subdues Spider-Man, and takes him to Harry Osborn.

(Source: “Spider-Man 2: The beauty of the train scene” by Core Ideas -

In conclusion, great superhero films inspire, and this film inspires me.  Many lessons to draw out, but let me focus on just one today.  This movie teaches me that even if I’m down, I don’t have to be out.  I can get up and keep fighting the good fight.  Peter picks up the mantle of Spider-Man again, knowing the cost of doing so.  

To be continued!


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