Saturday, December 10, 2022

"How could I express all my gratitude?"

I’ve tried to be intentional about practicing gratitude and thankfulness, not just in late November, but every day.  In light of this, I wanted to present an acrostic of items for which I am thankful.  This also doubles as my reflections on the happenings on 2022, which was an equally wild and wonderful year for me.  So here I go.

T: Truth of the gospel

1 Corinthians 1:18 says, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”  I was looking back at what I wrote in this blog this year, and I was struck by something I said back in February.  I decided to cite a portion again here; I said: ‘The truth is, if it weren’t for the shed blood of Jesus that paid the penalty for my sins, I would be completely sunk.  I would drown in the waters of my guilt and shame.  But because of my faith and trust in Jesus and the work He did for me, I just want express my worship and gratitude to Him.’

I went on to quote from Brandon Lake’s song “Gratitude”.  Here’s a sampling of that song again: “All my words fall short; I’ve got nothing new.  How could I express all my gratitude?  I could sing these songs, as I often do, but every song must end, and You never do.  So I throw up my hands, and praise You again and again.  ‘Cause all I have is a hallelujah.”

H: Health

Health is a wonderful, but extremely fragile gift that I continually learn to relish.  For example, this year I dealt with a sickness that resulted in a lingering sinus infection.  This was one of the worst sinus infections I’ve ever dealt with.  Furthermore, as I write these words, my widowed mother was hit very hard with the flu.  I’ll spare you the symptoms and the details, but you can imagine how this flu has been a particularly disruptive episode.  All of this to remind us that health is a gift not to be taken for granted.

A: Amazing blessings

When you compose an acrostic like this, it awakens you to the blessings from the hand of God, that you can easily take for granted.  For instance, back in April, when my trusty Dodge Neon finally gave out, I was blessed to quickly find a great Toyota Corolla.  Everyone I talked to stated how good a car this is, and it is true, it has served me well.  I also marvel at how I drove the car home on Good Friday of all days.  But there have certainly been more blessings than just that.  For example, God has led me to new friendships that I can envision being multi-year friendships.  As the old hymn says, praise God from whom all blessings flow!  

N: Nothing can separate from God’s love

While there were great highs in 2022, there were great lows as well.  There were intense episodes of sufferings that I will never forget; instances that cut me to core of who I am, in my very heart and soul.  Even though I am choosing gratitude this doesn’t mean I think life is all puppies, rainbows, and sunshine.  It isn’t.  There are incredibly stormy weather patterns as well.

Romans 8 says, “I am persuaded that neither death nor life…nor things present nor things to come, nor high nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (verses 38-39).  How humbling it is to know that God’s love is there for me, no matter from the unfaithfulness from others, or my own unfaithfulness.

K: Kindness

We live in an increasingly unkind world.  I’m so grateful for the instances of kindness I have seen.  I have heard a Christian radio disc jockey say a certain statement so much it’s repetition is bordering on comical; he says, “The world is still full of nice people.  But if you can’t find one, be one.” 

S: Sustaining of life

This year marks a milestone for me: 40 years ago, God rescued me from the grip of a disease called Infantile Spasms.  He breathed life into me, when I was on the brink of death those decades ago.  But 2022 has taught me afresh about the gift of life.  I’ve spent several hours, blogs, and tears, contemplating the loss of two iconic actors.  What a gift it is to enjoy another day!


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