Friday, December 23, 2022

"Where would I be without You?"

I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  What a joy and privilege it is to celebrate this blessed holiday!  Christmas, in many ways, is misunderstood.  Because we are bombarded with messages about Santa Claus, getting Christmas gifts for everyone on our lists, and “dreaming of a white Christmas”.  None of the things are necessarily wrong.  But the heart of Christmas is Jesus Christ and His miraculous entrance to Earth.  As my mother so eloquently put it recently: Jesus “invaded our world with light and hope.”

Several years ago now, I had the tremendous honor of being asked to be on the radio with my dad – and my mom who was co-hosting with him that day.  I remember it so vividly.  After I gave my remarks, I chose to play a Christmas song by Rebecca St. James called “A Cradle Prayer” (from her 1997 album “Christmas”).  As I introduced the song, I relayed how Rebecca herself had stated that she pictured herself at the cradle of baby Jesus; what would she sing to Him?  Let me share part of the lyrics here:

“Trials may come, and friends they may go.  What really matters is You, my Lord.  Beautiful Savior, my God, my friend; I am in awe of You.  Lord, I am in awe of You.  Jesus, I love you.  My Lord, my life; where would I be without You?  Here in the quiet, the still, the night, I am in awe of You.  Why would You, Creator and King, come as a baby, for all, for me?”

Where would I be without the Lord Jesus?  It’s a life that I don’t want to contemplate for very long.  It would be an existence devoid of hope, joy, and purpose.  But thankfully my eyes were illuminated to the grace and truth found in Jesus.  I recently heard minister and evangelist J. John share that there are three things that one gets when they receive Jesus Christ as Savior.  I hurriedly wrote them down.  He said, #1: Forgiveness from the past.  #2: New life today.  #3: Hope for the future.  Amen and amen!

In conclusion, I know some would completely disagree with my thoughts on Christmas today.  They would just consider me a religious lunatic.  I’ve seen how allegiance to Jesus Christ provokes hatred in some people.  But it’s nothing new.  In John 1, we read, “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him” (verse 11).  Jesus was misunderstood and hated by some, those centuries ago too.  Yet the next verse says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”  That’s my prayer for you.  If you’ve never commenced a relationship with Jesus – the One who lived, died for you, and is gloriously alive now – that you would do it today. 


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