Tuesday, February 28, 2023

"How sweet it is to be loved by you"

Let me start by citing these words from a Christian song: “Sometimes I think what will people say of me, when I’m only just a memory, when I’m home where my soul belongs.  Was I love when no one else would show up?  Was I Jesus to the least of these?  Was my worship more than just a song?  I want to live like that, and give it all I have, so that everything I say and do points to You” (from the song “Live like that” released in 2012 by the group Sidewalk Prophets). 

It was interesting for me to realize that I have written 680 blogs (or counting this one 681) since this blog’s beginning back in 2011.  How many more will I be able to write?  Will I get to 1000?  I don’t know.  While I certainly intend to live a good long life; tomorrow is not guaranteed.  It’s so important to “number our days” (Psalm 90:12).  Furthermore, we must never forget this: Jesus is coming back again.  Yes, people endlessly mock this notion, but it’s still true nevertheless.

Therefore, let me state this definitively: The God who created the world, and everything in it, loves you and me with a pure, unconditional, immense love.  He proved that by initiating a divine rescue plan for humanity: Jesus – God in human flesh – died on a cross, as payment for our sin, and subsequently got up out of His own grave!  So now all one must do is turn to Him in repentance and faith.  The Bible says, “Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

The film “Batman: Mask of the Phantasm” was released in 1993; it is celebrating its 30th anniversary.  When I first saw this film as a child, I didn’t get the tone.  While it is undeniably great (Kevin Conroy delivers one of his finest performances in this one), it is also incredibly bittersweet and sad.  I could write a whole blog on this film (but for now, stay with me, as I do have a point).  The movie could be presented in this way:

Boy is orphaned and vows to wage a one-man war on criminals; boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, and nearly gives up his plans entirely.  Girl unexpectedly leaves boy.  Boy becomes vigilante (Bruce putting on the Batman mask for the first time is probably the best scene in the movie).  Years later, girl resurfaces, boy and girl reconnect; ultimately boy and girl realize they will never be able to make it work, and end up apart.  In a heartbreaking end scene, Bruce sadly laments to Alfred, “I couldn’t save her, Alfred.”  The faithful butler tenderly replies, “I don’t think she wanted to be saved, sir.” 

You say, “Why are you bringing up such sadness?”  First off, I’ve been mentioning I would give my remarks on a bittersweet superhero film.  This was the one I was referencing.  But secondly, I think this sadness is a picture of how God feels when we reject His offer of salvation and reconciliation with Him.  God doesn’t force us to have a relationship with Him.  We have a free will.  So God says, “She didn’t want to be saved, she thought she had to perform good works to be saved.”  Works are important, but it’s faith in Christ first, then works.  Or “he didn’t want to be saved, he thought he had sinned too much.”  Or perhaps, “she thought she was a good, moral person who didn’t even need to be saved.”

In conclusion, I don’t know if I have another 680 blogs in my future; maybe it’s more, maybe it’s less.  But whatever the case, I wanted to take the time today to express it clearly: God’s love for you is constant and fervent.  If you haven’t made the decision to begin your relationship with the Lord, do it today; it will be the best decision you will ever make.  I recently heard a love song where the line was: “How sweet it is to be loved by you.”  It’s true for a romantic relationship; it’s also what I express to God, right here and now.  His love fills me up to overflowing, and then it spills out onto others.    


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