Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Valentine's Day thoughts - one day late

Last time, I gave a teaser that I had some thoughts on a bittersweet love story from a superhero film.  While I probably will still give my remarks on that at some point, for today, I’ve decided to go in another direction.

I think it’s unfortunate that whenever we think of Valentine’s Day, we immediately think of romantic relationships.  Of course, that’s legitimate, but there’s so much more.  I don’t know who said it but a few years ago now, I heard Valentine’s Day described as “Love Day”.  And this makes me think about God’s incredible love for you, for me, and for all of the world.

Not long ago, I heard Jason Crabb on a Christian talk show.  I had heard Jason sing songs of praise.  I was familiar with what a gifted singer he is.  But I did not know about Jason Crabb’s story; it was fun to hear about it on this talk show.  He candidly shared about how after his parent’s divorce, he began to go down a dark path. 

He partook in what he called “cheap highs”; drugs, marijuana, etc.  But God turned him around.  He spoke of how the Lord used Michael English’s song “had it not been” to minister to him.  Right there in the interview, without any musical accompaniment, Jason sang a few lines of the song: “Had it not been for a place called Mount Calvary; had it not been for the old rugged cross; had it not been for a Man named Jesus, then forever my soul would be lost.”

Later on in the interview, he shared a story of when he had what he called a “God moment” with another songwriter, who believed differently than Jason.  He said, “Let me tell you why I believe the way I do: I am never going to be good enough.  I’m broken.  I’m a mess.  I’m a wreck…I realized I wasn’t good enough, but Jesus…why would He give His life for me?  Why would He die for me?  I don’t understand that.  I can’t fathom that.  It’s the greatest love story I’ve ever heard in my life.  Someone would give their life for my junk?”

(Source: “Jason Crabb, a story of tragedy and triumph: Intimate testimony and new music from Grammy-winning artist -

In conclusion, in the midst of this Valentine’s Day afterglow, I am so pleased that the Lord laid this content on my heart.  Ultimately, the best gift I can give is to introduce you to this Jesus who changed my life, and the life of Jason Crabb.  If you’ve never began your relationship with Jesus, do it today.  Put your faith and trust in Him.  If you’ve been on the run from Him, perhaps you’ve been running for years, come home today.


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