Monday, October 2, 2023

Coming soon to this blog in October

It’s been a while since I’ve presented a “coming soon” blog, where I give you an overview on what I plan to submit to this blog in the coming days.  I do this because I’m feeling tired today, but I wanted to present something, so you’re updated and will tune in for new content.  In no particular order, here’s what I have rolling around in my brain right now:

The conclusion of the Colorado Rockies 30th season

Back in 1993, Colorado got a professional baseball team.  I’m refraining from making a joke on the Rockies lack of success for these three decades, however the sad fact is, the Colorado Rockies have had more failure than success over the years.  Whenever I compose this particular blog, I don’t just want to document their losing ways – sadly that’s a given – but I also want to reminisce on a year when the Rockies were really good.  In fact, they accomplished something no one else in major league baseball had ever done, at that point. 

“It’s a great day to be alive”

Long before my recent illness, I used to say this phrase.  Even before I lay in a hospital bed last month, closer to death’s door that I knew, I was grateful for the great gift of life.  But because my life has been spared, I guess you could say that I’m grateful 2.0.  While I’m still on the mend and far from returning to my old routine, I must write a blog soon stating just how deeply thankful I am, first and foremost to the Lord.  But also to the health care workers, doctors, and nurses that brought me back to the land of the living.  

Continuing thoughts on “Batman v Superman” film

Of course, at some point, I plan to pick up where I left off with my “Batman v Superman” thoughts.  I will speak more about the story arc of Batman in that film, but also how – I’m sorry; forgive me, but I must say it – I didn’t really like Superman’s story arc in this movie, for most of the film.  I’ll dig into that eventually too.  And I’ll bring up at some point how I think the Lex Luther character in that film is, at least in my opinion, greatly underappreciated.

Thoughts on a “hope deferred”

In 2020, I wrote about a verse from the Proverbs that speaks about how “a hope deferred makes the heart sick.”  Months prior to all of my health issues, I began to consider picking up what I had written 3 years ago, re-package it, and give us all a refresher on the topic.  This never really got off the ground, but this notion is quite applicable in 2023, and I trust it will be for you too.  Furthermore (because I’m me), I plan to use a superhero film to illustrate a deferred hope from the world of superhero cinema.

An inspiring sermon point to contemplate

I recently heard a sermon where the pastor spoke of how a 61-year-old in the congregation had recently passed away.  When this pastor met with the family to help plan the service, and process their grief, this man's daughter commented that her dad was “a man of God; he not only talked the talk, but he walked the walk.”  This pastor could not get that line of testimony out of his head; he wondered if the same sentiment could have been said for him, or anyone in the congregation, had they unexpectedly passed on. 

This was particularly relevant for me, of course, as I continue to process the recent health crisis in my life.  Could the same be said of me as that daughter said of her father?  That Kevin “not only talked the talk, but he walked the walk”?  I don’t know.  I’m not sure the shape that blog will take, but what an inspiring challenge!

So, in conclusion for today, while I’m not sure which of these 5 doors I will look into first, as it were, that’s what I intend to write about in the coming days. 

God bless you,


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