Thursday, February 24, 2011

"A Night with G.K. Chesterton"

This evening, I attended a CCU event called “A Night with G.K. Chesterton.”  It was essentially a one man play.  Using our imaginations, we pretended that we were in the year 1934.  The MC for the evening then introduced G.K. Chesterton.  Of course, it was really only a man on staff at CCU dressed up as Chesterton, but let’s not ruin the fun with such trivial details!  The man walked to the front of the room to give a lecture as if Chesterton himself were giving us a lecture.  I don’t have the name of the man who was portraying Mr. Chesterton, but he did a great job.

At one point in the evening, “Chesterton” made a statement about sex.  From all my research since this event, I am confident that at one time Chesterton actually did say this; I thought it was really profound.

“Sex is not meant to be a master; it is meant to be a servant.  If you make sex your master it will become your tyrant.”

This quote really spoke to me.  From personal experience I can verify the truthfulness of this quote C.S. Lewis made in his book "Mere Christianity:" “Those who are seriously attempting chastity are more conscious, and soon know a great deal more about their own sexuality that anyone else.”  For someone who is “attempting chastity” it was great to be encouraged to not let sex become my master.

Kevin Bauer

(1 Thessalonians 4:3-4)

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