Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Spoken like a true hero"

"Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Adam" continues to impact me in a positive way.  As you may remember, I blogged about this movie on 1/7.  At that time, I didn't get the chance to see all the special features in that film.  One of them was a fantastic episode from a show called "Batman: The Brave and the Bold."  I enjoyed it so much that I did more research on this show, because even though I had heard the title before but I didn't know much more about it.

I found out that this is a show that features Batman teaming up with a new sidekick every episode.  It might be Green Arrow one installment, and then it might be Aquaman the next.  I ended up purchasing season 1, part 1 (part 2 of season 1 is not available yet) on DVD.  It's a pretty entertaining show.

One episode that is perhaps worth the price of the season is called "Fall of the Blue Beetle."  I don't want to reveal any spoilers but it's enough to say that the new Blue Beetle, Jaime (pronounced "Hi-may") Rayes, is new in his role in a long line of previous Blue Beetle's.  He desperately wants to be heroic.  At one point in the episode, Rayes says to Batman, "I just want to do the right thing."  Batman, although clearly pleased with that statement, doesn't reply aloud, but he does think, "Spoken like a true hero."

This really ministered to me because like Jaime Rayes, I want to do the right thing.  It was nice to be able to know Batman's take on this; that when we desire to do the right thing (and when actually we do it, don't forget that Rayes was simply articulating what he had made crystal clear with his actions) we are being heroic.

Kevin Bauer

(2 Timothy 2:22)

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