Monday, March 21, 2011

Rob Bell is wrong

I have to chuckle a bit as I begin.  When I was a few weeks into this blog, someone asked me, “Are you going to tackle controversial topics in your blog?”  I answered that I didn’t know.  Well, as you see from the title, I have tackled a controversial topic: Rob Bell’s new book: “Love Wins.”  Let me tell you that I don’t particularly relish the thought of tackling what I’m going to tackle today.  This content today is difficult and unpopular.  So put your seat belts on.

First of all, here's a fascinating link from ABC news talking about Bell's new book: 
Notice the title: “Controversial new book looks to debunk concept of Hell.”  This was news to me. Initially, I thought Bell was only saying that everyone was going to ultimately get a free pass to Heaven, and that Hell was going to be dedicated exclusively to Satan and his demons.
The fact of the matter is this: Hell does exist.  Someone has said that Jesus talked more about Hell than He did about Heaven.  Just read through the gospels and you will see that this is a fair statement.

Furthermore, with sadness, I state that Hell is the destination for those who reject God’s Son, Jesus Christ.  But it can be avoided.  Paul was asked in Acts 16, “What must I do to be saved?”  And his answer was, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (verse 31).  Pastor Gino Geraci has said that before he became a Christian, people would repeatedly ask him, “Are you saved?”  He was confused.  "Saved from what?" He would wonder.  In time, he discovered the answer is God’s wrath.

God is holy and sin must be punished.  We are sinners; but because of Jesus’ substitutionary atoning death on the cross, we can be saved from God’s righteous anger against our sin.  Charles Stanley says that Jesus “paid our sin debt.”  Now we can simply believe on the Lord Jesus.  That is, put our faith, trust, and confidence in Christ alone to forgive us.

I know some of you don’t like me talking this way.  Some of you don’t want me to be a “heresy hunter.”  Honestly, I am really not a combative, argumentative person.  Once again, to share this today isn’t easy or fun for me.  But someone needs to speak up and say, “This is the truth that the Bible declares.”  I for one will speak up, no matter how unpopular it is.

Kevin Bauer

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