Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gifts from God

I was listening to a sermon on the radio today by Eric Cartier (incidentally, that's pronounced "Cart-ee-a").  He was talking about how everything we have is a gift from God.  He mentioned how a running car is a gift from God.  The food that we have in the refrigerator is a gift from God.  Children are a gift from God.  He didn’t mention this one, but I'm going to throw it in for free: the spouse that you have is a gift from God (I want to encourage everyone who reads this to treat your spouse as the cherished gift that they really are).
When I get busy with work, school, and the daily pressures of life, it is easy for me to forget everything that God has blessed me with.  So after hearing that sermon today, I began to go through my own list.  For example, how often have you thanked God for your five senses, the ability to see, hear, taste, etc.?  This is one that I’ve been more aware of lately, as I recently had to get a pair of glasses to see things at a distance better.  Yes, those glasses are a gift from God too!  There are so many wonderful capabilities that we have that we usually take for granted.
How about just life itself?  This is one that I think about often, because God has literally saved my life on more than one occasion (but that’s another blog topic).  On and on we could go.  I think it’s very healthy to mentally rehearse the fabulous gifts we have been given.  It certainly made my day to go through this list.

Kevin Bauer

(James 1:17)

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