Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The plate is hot

Why is it that whenever I’m at a restaurant and the waiter or waitress tells me that the plate is hot I have to touch it just to see for myself?  Sure enough, only after I’ve burned my fingers do I find that this person was absolutely correct.  Then I inwardly wonder, “Why didn’t I just listen to him/her?”  They had every right to warn me of the impending danger; it was up to me to listen or disregard the directive.  This is how I liken the commandments found in God’s Word, the Bible. 

The Lord, out of His incredible love, has given us many prohibitions.  Some people read God’s instructions and think that He is being too restrictive and narrow.  They declare such things like, “God just doesn’t want anybody to have any fun.  Come on, can’t I live a little?”  I would imagine that it hurts God’s heart when people think like this.  In reality, it is out of His concern for our well being that God gives us these boundaries.  He warns us to go His way because if we don’t, we will inevitably only hurt ourselves.

For example, if you want to commit adultery, God won’t stop you.  But He has repeatedly warned you not to do so.  Because – like the hot plate illustration – if you choose to go down that road, you aren’t going to like the severe emotional, physical, and spiritual consequences that you’ll encounter.  

Of course, there are many other examples that could be given.  I could mention where the sin of gluttony would lead; or where choosing unforgiveness would lead; or where disregarding God's command to rest would lead.  There are numerous illustrations that could be given.   I just want to encourage you to choose to follow God’s path.  Nothing good happens if you and I decide to stray from the path of righteousness.  No matter what the topic, God’s way is the best way.  Believe it.


“Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him” - Charles Stanley

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