Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Almost a decade of service

It occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve ever previously mentioned in this blog that I have been working for the company of Chick-fil-A for almost ten years now!  I’ve worked at this current store for over seven years and, before that, I worked at another Chick-fil-A store for just about two years.  I must admit that when I started working for Chick-fil-A all those years ago, I never would have envisioned that I would remain at the company for this long.  It’s quite amazing for me to contemplate being there for so long.  Having said this, I must add very quickly that I don’t regret it for a moment.

I was just talking about this with a friend the other day.  I was saying that if God wanted to He could have orchestrated for me to work someone else a long time ago, but He hasn’t.  The truth is I want what God wants for me, whether we are talking about my job, or anything else.  So I’m pleased that God’s plan for me has included almost a decade of service for a wonderful company like Chick-fil-A. 

You say, “So what’s the takeaway for me, other than how great Chick-fil-A is?”  Long before I began working for Chick-fil-A, Revelation 3:7-8 was a tremendous blessing to me.  Jesus is speaking to the church of Philadelphia, and one of the first things He says to the church is what He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open.

These verses comfort me because it takes the pressure off.  God has opened the door of opportunity for me to serve others at Chick-fil-A, therefore I don’t have to try to pry open another door that isn’t open.  This certainly doesn’t mean that I can’t keep my options open for other job opportunities, but if they don’t work out, I don’t to have to panic, worry or fret, because I know that door wasn’t open to me.  You may not work at Chick-fil-A like I do, but the principle is true for you.


“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you” - Psalm 32:8 (NASB)

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