Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The power of an example

Recently, I wrote an academic paper that asked me to cite an illustration of a leader who is a good example.  I cited my pastor (and friend) Bill Oudemolen.  I wanted to highlight him today.  This is fitting as it October, and thus Minister Appreciation month.

I think it’s important to have periodic reminders of the power of an example.  The Bible says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).  The Bible also exhorts the older, “In everything set them an example by doing what is good” (Titus 2:7).  Young or old, the Bible says, set a good example.  Don’t ever underestimate the power of an example.

Bill’s example influences me to do things God’s way.  This is not just because he proclaims that God’s way is the best way in his sermons.  Don’t misunderstand me: Bill certainly does encourage his church to do things God’s way.  He does so often, with passion, clarity, and insight.  But it’s not just talk.  It’s easy to talk, but it’s something else entirety to back it up.
Let me illustrate this.  I think it was the year that the Patriots went undefeated in the regular season when an upcoming opponent was talking a considerable amount of trash about the Patriots.  He was saying that they were going to go down, and Tom Brady was going to eat dirt.  Brady responded with a memorable quote: “Well done is always better than well said.”  You can talk all you want, but can you back up your talk with action?  My pastor certainly does.  He doesn’t have a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality.  He backs up his creeds with congruent deeds. 

You say, “How do you know that?”  Well, God, in His kindness, has given me the privilege of knowing Bill in the context of everyday life, not just in the context of the man that stands behind the pulpit on Sunday mornings.  I have seen that Bill is the same person Monday through Saturday that he is on Sunday.

I also wanted to express my appreciation to Jan Oudemolen, Bill’s wife, for all that she is and all that she does.  The saying is behind every man there is a great woman, and that is certainly the case with Jan.  She is a good example as well.  Pastor Bill and Jan, if you read this, I want you to know that I consider it a great gift to call you both my friends.  Thanks for being good, moral, Christ-like examples.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Let your voice be heard

I don’t normally bring up politics in this blog, but with each passing day, Election Day looms closer.  Like any Presidential election, this is a vitally important choice.  Therefore, I just want to encourage everyone to go out and vote this November.

Some of us Americans have taken for granted the incredible privilege we have in the country to vote.  Think about this with me for a moment: isn’t it an amazing thought that we have the privilege – to say nothing of the solemn responsibility – to actually vote in our leaders? You and I have the opportunity to make a difference this November.  We have the chance to let our voices be heard.

I don’t think it’s prudent for me to advise you on which candidate you should vote for.  I do think it’s important not to vote based solely on who is the most charismatic or likeable.  It’s not supposed to be a popularity contest; it’s about who is better equipped to lead us for the next four years.  Think through the pressing issues of our day.  Do your homework on how these two men would address these issues, and place your vote.

Having said all this, I want to remind us all of the fact that God is the one that we are supposed to put our ultimate trust and hope in.  Some of us inadvertently put our hope in a politician to fix every problem and issue.  This shouldn't happen.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t vote; that would contradict everything I’ve said to this point.  It's simply to say that our hope and trust is supposed to be in God, not in any man.  Psalm 42:5 says, “Why are you so downcast, O my soul?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him.”  I’ve learned in my own life that if we put our hope in anyone or anything other than God, we will be “downcast” because we were designed to find our hope in God.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What a game!

I had to take a few minutes to say a few words about the Broncos-Chargers game on Monday night.  I didn’t get the chance to see all of it, but I saw most of the second half (and I’ve seen the highlights of the parts that I missed).  The Broncos fell behind 24-0 at halftime.  Absolutely nothing went right for Denver in that first half.  Not a thing.  The biggest case in point was how Eric Decker, on his way to an easy touchdown, tripped and fell.  There was no one around Decker, but for some inexplicable reason, he simply lost his footing.  On the next play, Manning was intercepted by Quentin Jammer on an obvious miscommunication with his receiver and Jammer ran it back the other way for a touchdown.

24-0 at halftime with everything going the Chargers way surely the game, for all intents and purposes, was over right?  Typically that would be the case.  But Peyton Manning and the entire Broncos team engineered an incredible comeback.  The final score was 35-24 Broncos.  There were five second half turnovers – six in all – by the Chargers.
I’ve seen many comebacks in my life. I’ve been watching football since I was a small boy.  I’ve seen many comebacks by John Elway.  I’ve seen many incredible comebacks by Peyton Manning in his illustrious career (incidentally, Monday night's game is now the largest comeback in his career).  I saw Tim Tebow seemingly will the Broncos from behind to win several times in his time as the Broncos starter.  But the game on Monday had a different feel than any other game I’ve ever seen.  It had a surreal feel to it.  As the Broncos began to climb their way back, you sat there thinking, “Wait a minute!  Is this really happening?”

Historically speaking, it may not have been the largest comeback in NFL history (that honor still goes to the Buffalo Bills that defeated the Houston Oilers 41-38 in 1993 after trailing 35-3 at one point), but still this was a game that many won’t soon forget.  That’s entertainment for you.  That’s the NFL.


Monday, October 15, 2012

A new book

Well, I know it’s been a few months since I’ve posted a blog entry (life can certainly keep a person from blogging, you know it?), but here I am posting new material again.

Even though I live in Denver, Colorado and I am happy for any success that the Denver Broncos have, I am also a fan of many other teams in the NFL also.  One of the teams that I have kept an eye on for many years now is the Philadelphia Eagles.  After reading Michael Vick’s brand new autobiographical book “Finally Free” I will be cheering for the Eagles – and more specifically for Vick – even more than I used to. 

I highly recommend Michael Vick’s book; it is a powerful story of redemption and of God’s offer for a second chance.  To be clear: I’m happy that Michael Vick got another stint in the NFL, and that he is a starting quarterback again.  But I’m much more excited that Vick turned his life around after hitting rock bottom, and that he is a Christian today.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)