Sunday, October 21, 2012

Let your voice be heard

I don’t normally bring up politics in this blog, but with each passing day, Election Day looms closer.  Like any Presidential election, this is a vitally important choice.  Therefore, I just want to encourage everyone to go out and vote this November.

Some of us Americans have taken for granted the incredible privilege we have in the country to vote.  Think about this with me for a moment: isn’t it an amazing thought that we have the privilege – to say nothing of the solemn responsibility – to actually vote in our leaders? You and I have the opportunity to make a difference this November.  We have the chance to let our voices be heard.

I don’t think it’s prudent for me to advise you on which candidate you should vote for.  I do think it’s important not to vote based solely on who is the most charismatic or likeable.  It’s not supposed to be a popularity contest; it’s about who is better equipped to lead us for the next four years.  Think through the pressing issues of our day.  Do your homework on how these two men would address these issues, and place your vote.

Having said all this, I want to remind us all of the fact that God is the one that we are supposed to put our ultimate trust and hope in.  Some of us inadvertently put our hope in a politician to fix every problem and issue.  This shouldn't happen.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t vote; that would contradict everything I’ve said to this point.  It's simply to say that our hope and trust is supposed to be in God, not in any man.  Psalm 42:5 says, “Why are you so downcast, O my soul?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him.”  I’ve learned in my own life that if we put our hope in anyone or anything other than God, we will be “downcast” because we were designed to find our hope in God.


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