Monday, November 4, 2013

The "belt of truth"

Today I listened to a sermon on Ephesians 6, specifically the beginning of verse 14, which reads, “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.” God, by His Spirit, oiled this pastor’s words by illuminating this analogy of wearing a “belt of truth” in a venue He knew I would understand.

He reminded me that Batman, without exception, takes his utility belt with him when he goes out to battle criminals. The belt is just a part of his uniform. This belt cited in Ephesians 6 is just an analogy; the main point is that the Christian is to be armed with truth every single day. In practical terms, what does this mean? Once again, God’s Spirit correlated this to the world of Batman for me.

Recently, the video game “Batman: Arkham Origins” came out. I haven’t personally played it because I don’t have the game system to do so, but I have been able to watch other gamers play it on you tube. By the way, this is just a side note, but I thoroughly enjoyed this new Batman game from start to finish. I’m going to sound like an older guy for saying this, but video games today are so amazing compared to when I was growing up. It really felt like I was watching a movie (and a really good one at that).

In one scene, Batman is drugged and he begins to hallucinate.  He sees an image of Alfred telling him what a disappointment he is.  He has visions of others who all tell him that he’s not a hero, and that Gotham would be better if he just left town and didn’t bother anymore. The first time I watched this scene, I actually said out loud to myself that he is being fed countless lies. In actuality, Batman is a hero. Gotham does need him. Batman eventually is able to take an antidote, freeing his mind from the horrible images. I personally believe that Batman reminded himself of the truth, and in doing so, he was able to keep on fighting until he was able to avail himself of the antidote.

Similarly, a Christian must use the truth to counteract the lies. The Bible says God’s enemy, the devil, is “the father of lies” (John 8:44). I don’t know about you, but I often feel bombarded with lies from the devil. I need the truth. I need the belt of truth to counteract the lies. In John 8:32 Jesus says “the truth will set you free.” Where exactly does this truth come from? Jesus said it comes from the Word of God, the Bible. Christ said in His prayer in John 17: “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (verse 17).


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