Sunday, February 9, 2014

An absurd theory

I think I’ve heard everything now. Some are saying that Super Bowl 48 was rigged. There are some fans (angry Bronco fans who love conspiracy theories, no doubt) who are suggesting that the game was so lopsided that it can only mean that it was designed from the beginning to be a Seattle victory. They say the Broncos were the best team in the NFL who should have won, but because of the game being rigged they essentially had no chance from the beginning.

This is absolute nonsense! It’s so ludicrous that I don’t want to spend a whole lot of time on it. But, in my mind, the unexpectedness of being completely destroyed by the Seahawks is actually evidence of how the Super Bowl was not rigged at all. Think about it: nearly everyone was expecting a close game that could have gone either way. But that wasn’t the case.

These theorists proposing this alleged conspiracy need to give credit where credit is due: to the Seattle Seahawks. Personally, I don’t believe that the Broncos were the best team in the NFL; I believe the Seahawks were (and are) the best team. In Super Bowl 48, the Broncos were simply met by a bigger, stronger team that hit them in the mouth so hard and so often that by the third quarter they were waving the white flag of surrender. The day belonged to the Seahawks because they won the game in all three phases: offense, defense, and special teams. Chock the Seahawks win up to the Seahawks greatness, not an outlandish conspiracy.


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