Thursday, February 6, 2014

God's way is the best way

I want to encourage you to check out Francesca Battistelli’s new song called “Write Your Story.” I found it on you tube, so that's a viable option for you. This is a powerful song and a catchy one that sticks in your head. I strongly relate with this song because, many years ago, I made the decision to let God be the author of the chapters of my life story. Let me tell you, God has written my life story differently than I would have chosen to write it.

For example, never in my wildest imagination would I have envisioned that I was still going to be single at age 32. I've had my eye on certain girls over the years, but God made it clear to me that none of them was "the one." But through it all, I continue to say "Thy will be done" to the Lord, because I know He can lead me to the right girl, in His perfect timing.

Or for another example, when I started working at a job in June of 2004, I never would have thought that I was going to be working at that same job today in February of 2014. Please understand that this example is not nearly as visceral as the first example. In fact, I consider my job one of the great blessings in life. I love the company and the people I work with. I'm simply highlighting another facet of how God has chosen to write my life story.

There are more examples that I could give (such as how God opened the doors for me to be able to share my thoughts with you in this blog) but the bottom line is this: God is a better writer than I am! In other words, God’s will for me is vastly superior to anything that I could ever attempt to orchestrate on my own. God's way is the best way. I yield to Him and His plan. That’s why I love Francesca’s new song “Write Your Story” and why I’m suggesting that you hear it for yourself.


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