Wednesday, January 7, 2015

An absolutely incredible song

I recently heard a song from the old TV show “Animaniacs” that actually inspired me to praise and worship God.  I marveled afresh at the greatness of God as I was listening to this song.  Why?  Because it spoke of the vastness of the universe we live in.  But let me back up. 

For those of you that don’t know, “Animaniacs” was a cartoon show that ran in the 1990’s.  The main characters were the Warner Brothers, Yakko, Wakko, and their sister, Dot (what species are the Warner’s?  No one really knows).  The spokesman of the siblings is Yakko.  Yakko is voiced by the extremely talented voice actor Rob Paulsen.  Paulsen performs the song I’ve brought up which is entitled “Yakko’s Universe.”  Once again, this is such a fantastic song.  Not only does it move me to praise the Lord, it’s also very catchy (it’s been stuck in my head for days).  I’m including a you tube link of this great song.

Let me clarify something.  There are some people who listen to this song and they can’t see the actual forest because they get stuck on a particular tree, so to speak.  For instance, one person essentially said, “The interplanetary system doesn’t stretch seven hundred billion miles long, as Yakko claims; that figure is wrong.”  I say three things in response: #1: Only God knows the exact measurements of the intricacies of the universe; we humans don’t really know.  #2: By sharing this song with you, I’m not proposing that I agree with every word, insinuation, and figure presented in this song. 

#3: Don’t let the song’s inaccuracies distract you so that you effectively miss the whole point altogether.  The main point of this song, in my opinion, is the chorus; which is as follows: “It’s a great big universe and we’re all really puny.  We’re just tiny little specks…we are small and dinky.  It’s a big universe and we’re not.”  I think that God created such a vast universe to relay the lesson to us that it’s not all about us.

I hope you enjoy the song. 


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