Monday, May 18, 2015

A thought on dreams

One day last week I was watching a sitcom from yesteryear.  This particular episode had a character state that he had three dreams he wanted to accomplish in his life.  He had essentially crashed and burned on two, but the opportunity had presented itself to realize dream number three.  He was thrilled at this prospect.  Unfortunately, by the end of the episode, he had failed on that dream as well.  Thus, it was clear that this poor guy wasn’t going to accomplish those three dreams he had for his life.  It wasn’t for lack of trying on his part, but it just wasn’t to be.
Can you relate to the character in this episode?  Do you feel like a failure because you haven’t accomplished your dreams at this point in your life?  This isn’t the right way of looking at it.  I submit to you that while the realization of dreams is wonderful, it isn’t the barometer for if your life is a success or not.  Perhaps I’m wrong here, but I suspect if accomplishing every dream in life was the gauge to be considered a success, few people on this planet would be in that category.

Let me use myself as an example.  While, thankfully, I have seen some of my dreams come true, to be transparent with you, there are more unrealized dreams than realized dreams in my life.  I could rattle off several aspirations that I have in life which, at least as of so far, haven’t come true.  Does this mean that I am a failure?  No, once again, the accomplishing of dreams isn’t the measuring stick for evaluating success or failure in life.

Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying: I’m not suggesting that it’s wrong to try and accomplish the dreams you have in life.  I certainly won’t be giving up on my dreams (and you shouldn’t give up on yours).  But, at the end of my life, if I am able to say that I was faithful to what God called me to be and do in my life, I will be pleased with that – even if I never saw another of my dreams materialize.


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