Sunday, May 3, 2015

"In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord"

Today’s blog is going to be a bit different.  I wanted to share with you all that on Friday afternoon my father, Jerry, learned that he has melanoma.  It’s thin melanoma on one of his arms.  The doctors say that he has an eighty-eight percent chance of surviving for ten years.  So, even though that’s a good percentage, this obviously is still a big issue that is not to be taken lightly.
If you are a praying person, I would really appreciate your prayers in this matter.  I say this because I don’t assume that everyone who reads this blog believes in the power of prayer.  Some of you may come to my blog because you like that I talk about superheroes or something like that, and you just tolerate whenever I talk about something else.  Fair enough.

But, if you do feel led, please keep my dad, Jerry, in your prayers.  Pray for Dad not only physically, but emotionally as well.  From everything I’ve picked up on from the time I’ve been able to spend with him since I learned the news on Friday, he seems to be in good spirits.  But I would imagine there are good days and bad days when it comes to your emotions with something like this.

Furthermore, would you please pray not only for Dad, but also for the entire Bauer family?  Obviously, this doesn’t just affect one person; it affects everyone in the family.  In light of this, you may be asking, “How has this impacted you?”  Candidly, when I was told this news, it shook me.  Fearful thoughts came flooding in.  My mind went to the very worst case scenario of contemplating a life without my father; a man that I love and appreciate very much.

But then I chose to walk by faith.  I chose to put my trust in the Lord anew.  Psalm 77:2 says, “In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord.”  I reaffirmed that even though this news rocked me, I was going to worship God, no matter what.  Some of you might find what I’ve just said to be sanctimonious, preachy, and religious jargon, but I’m just being real and honest with you in how I reacted.  I serve an amazing God.  Does this mean that He will completely heal and eradicate my father’s ailment?  Not necessarily.  You can’t put God in a box like that.  However, I’ve found the Lord to be a safe haven to run to when the storms of life strike.


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