Sunday, May 17, 2015

Is "forgiven" the best word ever?

On one of the broadcasts of his radio show “Guidelines”, Dr. Harold Sala told how there is actually an unmarked grave that simply has the word “forgiven” written on it.  Nothing more, nothing less.  There is no name, no year of birth, no year of death, no dash; nothing except that single word.

While we may not know the story of this person, as I see it, there are few words that are more beautiful than the word “forgiven” to capture a life.  Think about it with me.  For example, a husband and wife enjoy married life together, but even the healthiest, most stable, vibrant marriages will have friction and hurt feelings sometimes.  That’s when it’s so powerful, liberating, and joyous to hear these words from your spouse: “I forgive you.”

Friendship is a wonderful gift, but the best of friends can say something they shouldn’t have said, or do something they shouldn’t have done.  Bitterness, anger, and fury can easily come pouring in.  But the repentant friend returns, seeking reconciliation.  Forgiveness is extended.  Estranged family members who were once angry, cold, and distant can be completely restored to close fellowship through forgiveness.  I could go on, but you get the point.

But, as wonderful as these examples are to contemplate, it could very well be that this grave is communicating how this departed individual was forgiven by the God of the universe.  Could there possibly be anything better than a person who can honestly state, “I am forgiven by God”?  The beginning of Psalm 32:1 reads, “Blessed is he [or she] whose transgression is forgiven.”  Let me be real with you: even after being a Christian for decades, I still make unwise, selfish, sinful choices.  And yet, like the prodigal son in the story Jesus told in Luke 15, I return to my Father, and I receive love, restoration, and forgiveness.


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