Thursday, May 14, 2015

Melanoma update

Earlier this month, I told you that my father, Jerry Bauer, had developed what the doctor called thin melanoma.  I did what I had never done in this blog before: I requested that you would pray for this situation, if you felt led to do so.  Today I wanted to update you on what has happened since then.

On May 6th, Dad had a procedure to have the melanoma removed from one of his arms.  The doctor was confident that they had gotten all of the cancer, but they weren’t completely certain until they saw the results of the pathology report.  This report came in yesterday: the cancerous melanoma is indeed completely gone from his arm!  This was a scary situation, but because the melanoma was discovered so soon, it was able to be removed entirely.  Praise the Lord, all is well!
I wanted to thank those of you who prayed for this situation.  God bless you for graciously taking the time to pray not only for my dad, but also for the entire family; as I said in the blog back on May 3rd, this kind of news affects the whole family.  Thankfully, the whole family is now rejoicing.


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