Sunday, June 21, 2015

A death in the family

I need to take a brief break from what I’ve been blogging about of late to inform you of sad news.  I’m grieving today.  I’m grieving for the death of my cat, Belle.  She died yesterday.  I know this loss may not seem like that big a deal to you, but this cat has been my companion, shadow, and pal for half of my life.  She’s been with me for seventeen or eighteen years.  I wanted to share some pictures with you.  I could share so many, but I will limit it to 7.

Belle Bauer
Precious few pictures were taken of Belle when she was a kitten.  Notice I'm not wearing my purity ring yet.  I got that at age 16.

She loved to play.

"Will you turn that light off?  I'm trying to sleep!"

"This sunlight feels so good."
Best buddies!
I will miss my cat.  I will miss her playfulness (in her prime she would actually play "fetch" just like a dog.  You could throw a ball, she would run after it, pick it up with her mouth, and take it right back to you), I will miss her limitless energy, her idiosyncrasies, her devotion, and how picturesque she was.  Life will go on, but right now, it doesn’t seem quite normal.


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