Wednesday, June 3, 2015

An unusual dream

I wanted to share a dream I had earlier this week.  I have no idea why I dreamed this; there was nothing that happened to me recently that would have triggered this.  Even so, here it is.

In my dream, I was at my church for a Sunday morning worship service.  I was sitting in the front row, listening to my pastor preach.  For some reason, my pastor began to talk about me.  When he did, he was interrupted by a spontaneous outburst from the congregation.  In unison, they shouted, “Kevin Bauer!”  Do you remember the TV show “Cheers”?  There was a character in that show named Norm Peterson.  One of the regular occurrences in that show is when Norm would walk into the bar, and everyone would scream out “Norm” in an enthusiastic manner.  That’s the tone the congregation had in my dream.

Why was my full name used in my dream?  Let me advance a theory on that.  I have a coworker who has a habit of greeting me in this way.  Rather than just say my first name, he will use my first and last name (incidentally, I enjoy when he does this; it always makes me smile).  So, while I’m certainly not an expert on dreams, I suspect that my subconscious recalled my coworker’s greeting.  Perhaps this is why I was greeted in this way in my dream.

Anyway, as I said, my pastor begins to speak about me, and the whole audience yells, “Kevin Bauer” like the fellow patrons greeted Norm Peterson at Cheers.  So what happened next in the dream?  Without missing a beat, I immediately pointed up, like athletes do, and I said, “Let’s not focus on me; let’s focus on God.”  At this point, the dream shifted to another scene, but I like to think that my pastor relayed what I said to the congregation.  I mention this because I wouldn’t have had a microphone.

I freely concede that this is a somewhat odd dream.  But the reason I share it is because it’s a snapshot of my life.  Just like I did in the dream, I want to divert any glory from myself to God.  I am not worthy of praise, glory, or adulation.  I am not great; God is great.  If anything good comes from my life, it’s not because of me, it’s because of Him.


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