Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Personal reflections (part 1)

I often see this picture of myself that was taken way back in 1985.

I’ve seen this picture and thought to myself, “If I was able to communicate with this boy, what would I say to him?  What lessons would I try to pass on to him, if I had the ability to do so?”
It turns out this thought was actually inspired by a book title that I had seen in the grocery store.  Ellyn Spragins wrote a book entitled “What I Know Now: Letters to my Younger Self.”  I haven’t read it, so I’m not necessarily recommending it, but the book begins with a very intriguing question: “If you could somehow postmark a letter back to your younger self, what age would you choose and what would the letter say?”  While this book is apparently written for women, I certainly think it applies to men as well.  And, as I said, this is a question that I’ve posed to myself when I see this picture of a very young boy.

The reason I’m bringing this up now is because my birthday is coming up soon (my birthday is June 29th).  Thus, I’m thinking about my life and my legacy.  This is a subject that I often think about, but it’s on the forefront of my mind right now, particularly in light of the news of Elisabeth Elliot and the fact that my time on this Earth will not be forever.

So what I’ve decided to do is devote several blogs to what I might convey to my younger self.  The first thing I would say is this: “Kevin, first and foremost, when you are presented with the truth of the gospel say “yes” to the Lord.  Give your heart and life to Jesus.  Become a Christian.  Nothing else is as important as this decision.”

Thankfully, in 1987, I did just that.  Billy Graham, at the old Mile High Stadium, presented the truth of the gospel; during the altar call, I told my parents that I needed to go forward.  God showed me my need for a Savior.  I’m so thankful for my relationship with the God of the universe.  Without Him, I am nothing.  Without Him, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.


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