Friday, February 22, 2019

One year anniversary

It seems unbelievable to me that yesterday, February the 21st, marked the one year anniversary of Billy Graham’s passing.  I looked back at what I said when I reacted to this news on this blog.  Among other things, I wrote, “I was overcome with tears when I heard the news because I’m so grateful for this man.  I am who I am today because he shared the truth of the gospel – God’s good news – with me.  His influence is a part of my spiritual heritage.  Millions of other people can say the same thing.”

In honor of Dr. Graham, I spent some time listening to some of his words on you tube.  I came across a sermon he preached back in 1983 on the power of the blood of Christ.  He spoke with his usual boldness, clarity, and power that day.  There is so much relevant material I wish I could quote in that message, but I was particularly impacted when he said these words:

"There’s another word associated with the blood and that’s justification… The dictionary defines justification, ‘to be free from blame; to be proven to be innocent.’  We cannot do it ourselves.  It’s impossible.  You can work all your life and do good works, and pay money to the church, but that won’t justify you.  The only thing that will justify the blood of Jesus Christ."

Dr. Graham continued, "‘Being justified freely by His grace’ [Romans 3:24]; notice [the words] ‘His grace.’  Grace is unmerited favor, something I don’t deserve.  I don’t deserve my sins forgiven.  I don’t deserve to go to Heaven.  I’ll be honest with you: I don’t deserve it…but I receive forgiveness, and justification, and my name written in the Book of Life.  I’m going to receive Heaven forever, because the blood was shed."  (Source  An amen belongs here!  I feel the same way for myself and my own entrance to Heaven one day.

Let me conclude with this.  Back in 2002, Pastor Rick Ferguson had his surprise departure to Heaven, at the age of 46.  At his Memorial service, someone mentioned William Carey, the man known as the father of modern missions.  This person told the story of how when Carey was on his deathbed, he said to a friend, “Speak less of Dr. Carey, speak more of Dr. Carey’s Savior.”  He said this is the sentiment that captures what Pastor Rick would want people to say about him.  I agree.  And it certainly captures what I think Billy Graham would want people to say of him.  We should speak more of Billy Graham’s Savior, Jesus Christ.


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