Wednesday, February 13, 2019

"O God, thank You for loving me"

With Valentine’s Day in the air, it’s important to remember that all of us (whether married or single) are deeply, passionately, and extravagantly loved by the God of the universe.  Romans 5 puts it so well: “When we were unable to help ourselves, at the right time, Christ died for us, although we were living against God.  Very few people will die to save the life of someone else.  Although perhaps for a good person someone might possible die.  But God shows His great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners.  So through Christ we will surely be saved from God’s anger because we have been right with God by the blood of Christ’s death” (verses 6-9; NCV).

I think I have heard Christian singer/songwriter Tommy Nelson’s marvelous song Thank You for Loving Me ( over one hundred times.  This song has a way of bringing tears to my eyes.  Check out these words:

“What love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called His sons and daughters, precious in His sight; greater love this world has never seen when He hung on that tree, O why would He do such a thing for dirty sinners like you and me?  [Chorus] O God, thank You for loving me, when on the cross You made history; Lord You died for me, forever my praise will go to Thee.  O God, thank for choosing me to be Your child and bear Your name; O Jesus I will never cease to sing Your praise.  Your love is patient, and humble, and kind, it’s greater than all my sin…It’s Your love that lifted me up from the depths, set my feet on a solid rock, with a firm place to stand, Lord I always will trust in Your loving hand.”

I wonder if you’ve never stopped to contemplate the amazing love God has for you.  Or maybe you’ve heard it but you haven’t believed it, to this point.  You thought God was out to get you.  You looked at the circumstances of your life and you became angry and bitter at God, because of the painful developments that happened to you.  I am not unfeeling to you or the pain you’ve experienced.  I know life can hurt very deeply; trust me, if anyone gets that, I get it.  But God has proven His deep love for you.  As we read earlier, Jesus Christ - God in human flesh - died for you, even when you were against Him.  He didn’t have to do that.  But He chose to do so.   


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