Thursday, June 1, 2023

"He takes care of me"

Now that the month on the calendar has flipped to June, I should share that this is a special, celebratory month for me.  No, I’m not just referring to the Denver Nuggets being in the NBA Finals for the first time in their history (or how Denver won Game One over the Miami Heat tonight 104-93).  However, as a sports fan, I will say it’s been intriguing to see them on this journey.  But June has a lot more to it than that for me.  For instance, this month marks another year that I’ve been working in customer service at Chick-fil-A (I often joke that I’ve been working there not quite since the dawn of time; it’s actually coming up on 20 years soon).  And on the 29th, I celebrate my birthday. 

I look forward to these events with anticipation, because this year has been incredibly difficult.  Perhaps you even noticed that I alluded to this in the “about me” section of this blog.  I updated my bio, and I have a new picture there too.  However, to live through this extraordinarily painful season of life has given me a fresh perspective.  Jonathan Evans, the son of Dr. Tony Evans, in his book “Your time in now” writes:

“No matter how much money or fame and no matter how many friends a person has, we all face difficult things.  But don’t forget that these are things that shape you, if you let them.  Because every test you go through is setting you up to be a testimony for God’s great name.  You can’t have a testimony without a test.  You’ve got to go through the stuff, press past the problems, and overcome the adversities to develop your spiritual strength.” 

The bottom line is this: today’s blog, and this month, is another chance for me to give God all the glory for it all.  I’m being nakedly transparent with you: my relationship with Jesus is everything.  Without Him, the trials I’ve endured would have left me completely destroyed.  The Collingsworth family once recorded a song titled “I can trust Jesus”.  In it, they capture my heart with these words: “I can trust Jesus…He is my strong tower.  The strength in my weakest hour.  I can trust Jesus; He takes care of me.”  Proverbs 18:10 is right when it declares, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”

God bless,


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