Thursday, June 8, 2023

Stormy weather

The state of Colorado, where I reside, has had stormy weather of late.  We’ve seen heavy rain, thunder, lightning, even some hurricanes.  One day this week, after I arrived home, it started hailing.  It was very small in size, and brief, but for a time it loudly announced its presence.  It suddenly dawned me on that while there has been literal stormy weather, we all deal with metaphorical stormy weather as well.  It has been said, “You are in a storm; you are just coming out of a storm, or you are about to enter a storm.”  That sounds disheartening, because storms are so painful, but they also have the capacity to instruct us.

I bring all this up because, just this week, I encountered a new storm.  In the course of one day, I received both an encouraging compliment, and a series of occurrences that left me feeling slighted and completely invisible.  It was an unusual phenomenon to have both extremes in one day.  It birthed this blog content today.  Because it was a powerful reminder that I’m to give both the good and the bad to God.  Or, as was stated in the 2006 movie “Facing the Giants”: “If we win, we praise Him.  If we lose, we praise Him.”

Of course it feels to be given verbal praise, or if you like, to have a victory.  But, the fact of the matter is, it’s not about me.  If anything praiseworthy comes from my life, it’s ultimately because of God, not me.  Galatians 2:20 states that it’s actually Christ in me, “and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God.”  He’s living in and through me.  I love the B.J Thomas song from back in 1979 titled “He’s walking in my shoes”; he speaks of how today Jesus “is walking in my shoes; He’s singing with my voice…He’s smiling with my face; He’s showing me the way, and I’m so glad that I can be a part.  He’s living in my heart.” 

Conversely, it is difficult to lose; to be subjected to unkind words is one of the worst kinds of suffering.  Someone has said “pain can either make you bitter or better.”  I’m not necessarily suggesting that it's easy, but we must ask the Lord what it is He is trying to teach us in this.  The Bible says we can “glory in tribulation” (Romans 5:3).  Why?  Because we Christians are masochistic and enjoy pain?  No, keep reading: “knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, hope.  Now hope does not disappoint” (verses 3-5).

In conclusion, I have easily listened to Rebecca St. James’ newest album “Kingdom Come” fifty times now.  During a particularly turbulent storm in my life, God was my comfort and ever-present help.  Seemingly each track from Rebecca’s album ministered to me in a special way, but I love the word picture from the song “Desert bloom”: “You are joy to the broken; You are spring to the garden; You bring beauty from ashes.  You are peace where there’s no resolve.  You are hope where there is none.  You repay every random; You reclaim what was stolen.  You are making my desert bloom.  Blessed are the ones trusting in Your love; You are faithful, Father, in all that is to come.”

God bless,


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