Friday, April 8, 2011

Lessons learned from Karone

One of the things that I’ve been doing when I haven’t been racking my brain trying to comprehend the mathematical notions in a difficult college math class is unwind and de-stress by watching old episodes of the show Power Rangers.  I used to watch the show regularly when I was a boy, and I have enjoyed getting reacquainted with it again.

One of my favorite seasons that I have watched so far is called "Power Rangers in Space."  This actually was a season that I didn’t see when I was a child.  There are a lot of fun aspects involved in this particular season; high on my list is watching the main villain of that season by the name of Astronema (portrayed masterfully by Melody Perkins).  Like any effective villain, Astronema is ruthless, diabolical, and conniving.  It takes a while, but eventually a revelation is discovered: Astronema is the long lost sister of the red Power Ranger named Andros.  Her name is actually Karone.

When Andros and Karone were children, they were playing ball on their home planet of KO-35.  The ball got away from Andros, and so he went to get it.  As he did, someone came and grabbed poor Karone and kidnapped her.  Karone was subsequently deceived by her captors.  She was repeatedly told that her brother and parents were murdered when she was young and that it was the Power Rangers who had murdered them.  Karone believed the lies and soon began to answer to the name Astronema.

To give you the very short version, Karone was convinced of the truth and ultimately she was brought back to the good side.  In the next season, the season known as "Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy" Karone reappears (once again portrayed by Melody Perkins).  Karone’s behavior is a complete turnaround from her past days of evil.  This is evidenced in many ways.  One way is when she volunteers to sacrifice her life in the place of one of the Power Rangers.  She didn’t have to go through with it, as this was just a test to ascertain her character and motives, but her intention to give her own life was crystal clear.  Soon, she actually becomes the pink Power Ranger.  What a remarkable change; from Astronema self-proclaimed “princess of evil” to Karone the Power Ranger fighting on the side of good!

The Apostle Paul knew something about having a regrettable past (see 1 Timothy 1:13-17). But the Lord transformed him, and he was used mightily by God.  Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away…all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17; NKJV).  While Karone never claimed to become a Christian, watching such a stark contrast unfold reminded me that every Christian had a life before Christ.  Every Christian had a life of being Astronema, if you will. But God changed us and transformed us, and now (like Karone) He wants us to fight on the side of good.

Kevin Bauer

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