Friday, May 6, 2011

Everything we have is from God, including friends!

Today is my best friend's birthday.  Thus I am thinking not only about this particular individual, but also about the subject of friendship.

A while back, I came across a quote from John Chrysostom; he said, “It would be better for us that the sun were exhausted than that we should be without friends.”  I consider all the friends that I have a precious gift from the hand of God.

To have a friend is to always have someone in your corner.  To have a friend is to have someone who supports you and encourages you, no matter what.  To have a friend is to have someone who accepts you as a person.  To have a friend is to really have someone who “sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24).  In short, to have a friend is to have a wonderful thing!
A possible reaction to what I’ve written is the person who says, “I tried having friends and they hurt me.  After what I’ve gone through, I am not going to touch that friendship deal again with a ten-foot pole.”  The fact is if you form a relationship with anyone there is always a chance of getting hurt.  Even in the best of relationships you will let each other down periodically and you will then have to extend forgiveness to each other (just ask any married couple, they know this is true).

Certainly, there is risk involved, I will concede that.  But my perspective is this: the rewards of friendship far outweigh the risks.  I believe that we shouldn’t go through life without taking advantage of the wonderful gift of friendship.

Kevin Bauer

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