Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Books worth reading

Today I want to recommend two books to you.  The first one is the book I mentioned earlier this month: Tim Tebow’s book “Through My Eyes.”  I cannot overemphasize how much I enjoyed this book!  This is a great book for the football fan, but more than that, it is a good look at the heart of Tim Tebow.  High points in the book for me included the chapter where Tim describes the events of his miraculous birth, and the chapter where he describes his first season with the Broncos (understandably he spends more time talking about the games where he was the starter).
The second book I want to recommend is “Christ Alone: An Evangelical Response to Rob Bell’s Love Wins” by Michael Wittmer.  The other day, I read “Love Wins” with my own eyes just to make sure that I wasn’t unintentionally misrepresenting him.  Reading it only intensified my concerns for the unbiblical material Bell presents.  Wittmer does a great job of articulating a rebuttal of Bell’s views in a fair and gracious manner.  Wittmer is quick to point out that he likes Rob Bell (he says this very early in the book), and I believe he is sincere.  That said he is not afraid to point out the unbiblical elements that Bell asserts in “Love Wins.” 
Kevin Bauer

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