Thursday, May 26, 2011

Musings on sacrifice

The other day, I was thinking about the subject of self-sacrifice for a writing project that I recently completed.  As I pondered it, my mind went to comic book heroes like Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man.  It dawned on me perhaps for the first time that I love these heroes for many reasons, but high on my list is their choice to live a self-sacrificing life.  You may not have given it too much thought, but these fictional heroes constantly sacrifice to protect the lives of the citizens.

Of course, there are real life examples of men and women who sacrifice for others.  Monday is Memorial Day.  We will once again contemplate those who sacrificed their very lives for this country.  What a grand display of selfless heroism!  All of these examples (both the fictional and historical ones) inspire me to sacrifice for the good of others; perhaps not in as drastic a way as our fallen heroes, but I'm inspired to sacrifice my comfort, time, and energy, for the good of others.

Kevin Bauer

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