Saturday, May 14, 2011

Remembering Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man

A superhero movie called "Thor" is in theatres now.  I was reading what movie reviewer Roger Ebert had to say about the movie and here's an excerpt of what he wrote - this is from

"The standards for superhero comic book movies have been established by "Superman," "The Dark Knight," "Spider-Man 2," and "Iron Man."  In that company, "Thor" is pitiful.  Consider even the comparable villains (Lex Luthor, the Joker, Doc Ock and Obadiah Stone).  Memories of all four come instantly to mind.  Will you be thinking of Loki six minutes after this movie is over?"

The Spider-Man 2 reference was timely because I had already been thinking about this movie lately and I was going to devote this blog to recommending it to you, and his comment added weight to my case.  Like Ebert, I have a very high opinion of Spider-Man 2, it's probably my favorite superhero movie (this is not to minimize some of the other superhero movies that Ebert cited).

It's basically yesterday's news that Tobey Maguire has been replaced as Spider-Man and the new actor who will play the webslinger is British actor Andrew Garfield.  They are actually rebooting the entire movie series, it will have no direct continuity with the movies starring Maguire.  The new movie is scheduled to be released in 2012.

I wish Andrew Garfield and everyone involved in this project a successful movie.  Any Spider-Man movie is worth seeing simply because the character of Spidey is so intriguing.  Having said this, however, I must admit that I was sad to see Maguire replaced in the role.  There was something about how Maguire portrayed the character that made the hero more accessible to me in a way that I hadn't experienced before.  I actually loved all three Spider-Man movies - I cried at the end of all of them.  Maguire left Garfield some big shoes to fill.

Kevin Bauer

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