Monday, August 22, 2011

A thought from Truett Cathy on giving

I’ve been reading Truett Cathy’s book “Eat Mor Chikin: Inspire More People” lately for a homework assignment.  In case you were wondering about the spelling that’s how the famous Chick-fil-A cows write out ‘eat more chicken’ (they can’t spell very well).

One of the things that Truett said in chapter 1 caught my attention.  I thought it was an instructive word, in the heels of what I said in the last blog about giving and generosity.  He writes, “Nearly every moment of every day we have the opportunity to give something to someone – our time, our love, or our resources.”  It’s so true.  Then he adds this important statement: “I have always found more joy in giving when I did not expect anything in return.”

I can echo that for myself.  Personally, I think that this is the attitude to have when giving to others.  Among other things, this means giving with no ulterior motives.  There are some who give to others, but they have a hidden agenda.  This is unfortunate.  This is essentially nothing more than a facade.  No, the kind of giving I’m talking about – and Truett would evidently agree with me – is giving with no strings attached.

So let's all give that way.  And by the way, eat more Chick-fil-A chicken; it's a great product and a great company!


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