Thursday, August 4, 2011

Change is inevitable

Entering the new month of August gives me a chance to reflect on 2011 again.  This year has really been a year of change.  For me to try to describe all the various things that have changed this year would take a long time.  The fact of the matter is change is inevitable. 
For example, I have worked at Chick-fil-A for many years, but the company is always unveiling new, innovative ideas.  These ideas are always wonderful and exciting, to be sure.  At the same time, sometimes these new ideas make me feel like a new employee with all the new training and the learning curve that it presents! Change is inevitable.
I thought about devoting an entire blog installment to expressing how happy I am that the NFL lockout is over, but I thought, “Everyone already knows that without me even saying it.”  We are now in the era of time where we see a lot of wheeling and dealing of NFL players.  Pick a team and you’ll see many changes to every roster.  Just look at the changes to the Philadelphia Eagles as a great example.  To me it just reinforces the idea that change is inevitable.
However, I find great comfort in the fact that no matter what changes we experience in life, God Himself will not change.  He says this in the book of Malachi (3:6) “For I am the Lord; I do not change.”  God is faithful, consistent and reliable.  When it comes to God, change is not inevitable!
Let me conclude with a quote from A.W. Tozer in his classic book “The Knowledge of the Holy.”  He writes, “In this world where men forget us, [or] change their attitude toward us as their private interests dictate…is it not a source of wondrous strength to know that the God with whom we have to do changes not?”  Amen belongs here!

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