Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Walking in a winter wonderland"

Christmas is long over, but the song that talks about “walking in a winter wonderland" is playing in my head.  You see, Colorado is currently digging out of a huge snowstorm.  I’ve been told by the local media that this is the biggest snowstorm in February since the year 1912!  The official total was 15 inches of snow!  Check out these pictures.

As we endured all this snow, I was reminded of a text of Scripture in Job 37.  Elihu remarks, “God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.  He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’  So that all men he has made may know his work, he stops every man from his labor” (Job 37:5-7).

I remember hearing a sermon where the pastor quoted Job 37:7.  Here it is again: “So that all men he has made may know his work, he stops every man from his labor.”  This pastor asked his congregation, “Have you ever had to miss work due to a snowstorm?”  I can answer that question in the affirmative.   I’ve missed two days of work due to the snow.  But rather than get upset about it, I've decided to stop and contemplate the works of God.  I’ve considered afresh just how amazing God is.  He is in control of everything, which includes the weather.


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