Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A fascinating survey

Recently, I was intrigued to see a poll presented on the website  The question was, “who’s the best superhero of all time?”  Respondents were given three choices, Superman, Spider-Man or Batman. 

The results for this poll, when I gave my vote, were as follows: 54% said Superman was the greatest superhero, Batman was next at 33%, and Spider-Man was last at 13%.  It was a tough vote for me as I love all three heroes.  Superman is, of course, the gold standard.  He is the epitome of what it means to be a hero.  I love Superman because there is no moral uncertainty with him.  He does the right thing, no matter what.  As for Spider-Man, my respect for him has deepened over the years.  Here’s a guy that protects the denizens of New York, and his reward is usually to be mistrusted, feared, and shunned (thanks to the local media purporting the erroneous view that he is a public menace).  But he still protects his city, even with little reward.

Having said all this, I have to admit that I voted for Batman as the best superhero.  Batman is the hero that has always been the easiest for me to relate to.  Why?  Because I can never hope to fly, use x-ray vision to see through walls, or obtain the ability to climb up walls, but I can look to Batman as an example of someone who does what he has to do, despite not having any super powers.  He simply has his wits (and his utility belt) to help him out trouble.


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