Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's your oasis?

Oasis; there’s a word we don’t normally use!  One of the definitions from dictionary.com for the word “oasis” is “something serving as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change, from what is usual, annoying, difficult, etc.”

We humans legitimately need an oasis or refuge to help soothe our pain, comfort our hurts, and guard us from the chaos that life can bring.  God is teaching me that in the midst of pain, heartache, and uncertainty, He wants me to run to Him.  He wants to be my refuge, my safe haven, my oasis.

Furthermore, it’s easy to run to something else for comfort.  For example, some people run to food.  Food is a gift from God, but it’s not meant to be a refuge.  Some people run to pornography; this is sinful and contrary to God’s will.  Some people run to money and material possessions.  You get the point, none of these things are sufficient; God wants us to run to Him.

Look at it this way: when a small child falls down and hits their head, they are in pain and they need to run to someone so they can cry it out.  Should they run to their toys?  Should they run to the refrigerator?  Of course not, that’s ludicrous.  They should run to their mother or father.  In the midst of pain, there’s nothing like the loving embrace of a parent.  In the same way, nothing else can satisfy, comfort, and protect us like God can.


“The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble” - Psalm 9:9

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