Monday, November 3, 2014

The fundamental character of Superman

The other day, I got into a conversation with someone about Superman.  This person stated that she didn’t particularly like Superman; he is her least favorite superhero.  I told her that I understood and I think I do.  Superman is the ultimate, clean cut, pristine good guy.  He is, as I’ve said in this blog before, the gold standard of superheroes.  Superman is ethical, moral, and altruistic.  Christopher Reeve’s Superman once told Lois Lane that he didn’t tell lies.  How much more virtuous can you get than that?

It is for this reason that some cannot relate to Superman (and perhaps why some classify him as their least favorite superhero).  But it doesn’t matter; if you try and make Superman less just, decent, and righteous, you deviate from the fundamental essence of the Superman character.  Superman really is a boy scout, as he has often been labeled, and that’s not a bad thing.  In such a dark, cynical, self-seeking world, we need a character like Superman.

Furthermore, some have submitted that Superman is a type, and picture of Jesus Christ; a fictional character who resembles Christ.  For instance, Stephen Skelton devoted an entire book to this subject in his work “the gospel according to the world’s greatest superhero”.  With that in mind, check out this apt summation of Superman that Alfred Gough and Miles Millar gave in a commentary from an episode of the TV show “Smallville”:

“He makes the right choice.  He makes the choice we wish we would make.  He’s a selfless hero.  We’d like to believe, in the right time, in the right situation, we would do the right thing.  Which is why, I think, Superman has been so endearing over the years.”  I wholeheartedly agree.  And this has obvious Christ-like overtones.  In Isaiah 7:15, it states that the Messiah will “reject the wrong and choose the right.”  Does this sound like Jesus to you?  Does it sound like Superman?  It sure does to me.


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