Saturday, August 15, 2015

The delights of Heaven

Because of recent events, I’ve been contemplating Heaven a lot.  I decided to look back at the various times I’ve highlighted Heaven in this blog.  I had fun doing so.  For example, in July of 2014, I wrote a blog entitled “Heaven: a place of bliss and happiness.”  In that blog I tried to dash the erroneous notion that Heaven is a boring place.  In Luke 23, Jesus actually calls Heaven “paradise”; the word “paradise” doesn’t really conjure up images of boredom, does it?

In that same blog, I also explained that not everyone goes to Heaven.  I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this notion today, but I did want to briefly mention it so that I’m not misunderstood.  Don’t buy into the erroneous idea that everybody in the whole wide world will ultimately access Heaven’s gates; the Bible never teaches that.  It is only reserved for those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

In February of 2012, I used a scene from “The Wizard of Oz” to try to illustrate how wonderful Heaven is.  In the beginning, the movie is in black and white, but when Dorothy firsts arrives in Oz, she sees everything in brilliant color.  Plus, there is beautiful music playing.  I pointed out that while this scene isn’t the perfect illustration of Heaven - for instance, Dorothy immediately wanted to leave Oz - I hope it is a helpful mental picture for you, nevertheless.  

Heaven is going to be outstanding.  It will have beautiful sights, fantastic refrains of music, and various other amazing delights that are on a much higher level of anything our finite brains have ever experienced.  Oz's beauty, in stark contrast to Kansas, helps capture Heaven's incredible beauty in my brain, hopefully it does for yours as well.

In September of 2014, Truett Cathy went to be with the Lord; I blogged the news.  My words that day helped me as I contemplate this new chapter of my life now.  I talked about how there are men in Heaven that I will see again one day.  I mentioned my Grandfather, Pastor Rick Ferguson, and Truett Cathy.  I concluded that blog with words from an old hymn.  These words are like healing balm to me; they are as follows: “When we all see Jesus what a day of rejoicing that will be!  When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!”


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