Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The heart of a servant

In 1999, Pastor Rick Ferguson wrote a book entitled “The Servant Principle”.  I’ve been thinking about Pastor Rick lately because no one on Earth could possibly have known that only a few years later – 2002 – Rick was going to enter eternity.  No one would have ever predicted that this was going to happen to him at such a young age (he was 46).  As his family, his church, and his friends came to the realization that they were going to have to live life without him, they were stunned and completely shell-shocked.  As you know, I can certainly relate!

Today, I want to share a quote from Rick’s book.  He wrote, “True servants do not draw attention to themselves.  In fact, they will try to divert the attention away from themselves, pointing instead to Christ and to others.  A true servant is just like John the Baptist, who said of the Lord Jesus, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30; KJV)… A servant is willing to serve unnoticed without applause.  Servants never seek any recognition.”

It’s undeniable that my dad was a servant.  He epitomized that quote.  He served without demanding accolades, recognition, or the limelight.  Someone said that he did his duties stealthily or perhaps a good illustration is like a spy.  He would do the job, and then quietly move on, never expecting fanfare, praise, or applause.  In fact, if he did happen to get the praise, he quickly diverted it to God.  Let me tell you a quick story to illustrate.

I don’t recall all of the details, but Dad was able to help someone in his sphere of influence.  Everyone was trying to heap praise upon him, but he wouldn’t have it.  I remember very clearly what he said; he simply declared, “I give God the glory for that.”  That was my dad!  He didn’t hog the spotlight.  He knew that life wasn’t about receiving praise from mankind; it was about serving faithfully without acclaim.


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