Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The words I said at my father's service

I thought you would enjoy knowing what I said about my father at his funeral service.  So I transcribed it and will share them with you now.

“Hello everyone.  I’m the first-born son, Kevin.  I had the honor of calling Jerry my father.  You know, there’s only one Jerry Bauer.  There’s no way any of us could duplicate who he was.  Both my brother and I have a love for superheroes that he didn’t particularly share.  But that’s one of our quirks, we both love superheroes.

I’m a writer.  Not a professional writer, but I do love to write.  I found something that I wrote a couple years ago.  I said: ‘You don’t have to have superhuman speed or strength like Superman to be a superhero.  One can be a normal, everyday person, and be a superhero, if they live out their life in a self-sacrificial way.  If they live a life in humble service to others.’  I looked at that and I thought, “That’s my father.”  I’ll read it again.  ‘One can be a normal, everyday person, and be a superhero, if they live out their life in a self-sacrificial way.  If they live a life in humble service to others.’

My father was a superhero.  And coming from me, that is a very high compliment.  I want to be as selfless, altruistic, and unselfish as my father, Jerry, was.

God bless you all”


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