Thursday, June 29, 2017

Words of blessing on my birthday

Proverbs 27:2 says, “Let another man’s lips praise you; a stranger and not your own mouth.”  In the spirit of this verse, I’m going to do something I’ve never done in this blog before: I’m going to share some of the kind words that my family and friends have expressed to me.  Just so you know, it makes me very uncomfortable, vulnerable, and exposed to do this, but on my birthday, I thought it was appropriate.

I want to start with some words that my dad said to me in a card in 2011: “I am extremely proud to call you my son.  You are a rare jewel.  I love you very much.”  My mom once wrote that I'm "a great forgiver and humble to a fault.”  After I recently wrote the blog that I titled “gallant hero”, Mom sent these words to me in a text message: “I wish I knew how to post a comment.  You are a godly, gallant man, selfless every day.”
While I’m on the subject of my mom, let me take a moment to publicly thank her for what she did for me on my birthday last year.  She arranged for someone from my church to come to my work and serenade me with the “Happy Birthday” song.  I don’t know how she did it, but she managed to do all this arranging without my knowledge; it was a complete surprise!  That was my first birthday without my dad, and she made it very special.  Thanks, Mom!

Almost a year ago now, as we commemorated the anniversary of my dad’s unexpected homecoming to Heaven, my brother, Mark, wrote these heartwarming words to me in a text message.  He said, “I love you, Kevin.  You have undertaken the impossibly challenging task of taking care of a lot of Dad’s responsibilities, and helping to hold Mom together, in the hardest year either of you have ever had to face.  You are getting stronger and wiser.”

Let me transition now to what friends have said to me.  One of my best friends once wrote: “You have always been such a wonderful friend to me.  You are a special person and I am blessed to have you in my wedding, but more importantly in my life.”  In another card, she wrote, “Our world could certainly benefit from more people like you!”  A precious elderly lady who is like another Grandma to me wrote this in a birthday card in 2011, “Happy to send my wishes to an admirable young man, devoted son, and servant of God.”
As for coworkers, one person once stated that I am “like an angel on Earth”; and more than one colleague has dubbed me “Superman" (that's my dad's title, but I appreciate the sentiment). Recently someone on Facebook, reacting to my workplace anniversary, commented, "Kevin rocks - perfect gentleman."  I’ll conclude this section of the blog with the words of my pastor. He said in an e-mail that I am “an amazing young man, a miracle, and a blessing to us, and so many others.”
Can I tell you just how incredibly awkward it is for me to compose the verbal praises of others?  These words are kind, but they are humbling.  I don’t feel worthy of this love fest.  Let’s get the focus off of me: 

I recently heard a sermon where the pastor said, without God, his life would be a train wreck.  In fact, he went on to boldly declare, “I’m my own worst enemy without my Savior.”  I assert the same sentiments for myself.  I’m far from perfect or sinless.  But I can tell you, contrary to the opinion of some, God is not dead; Jesus is alive and well today.  One reason I know this is because He changed my life.  Without Jesus, the unique God-man, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today.  If there is anything praiseworthy about me, it’s not because of me; ultimately it’s because of Him.  I give Him all the honor and glory!

In conclusion, I have to share a beautiful prayer that my father e-mailed me on my birthday back in 2012.  I couldn’t help but end my birthday blog with his eloquent words:

“Dear Lord,

Thank You for the blessing of Kevin.  We thank You, and praise You, for all You’ve brought him through – both miraculous healings – and for using him as You do.  Thank You for preserving his life and helping him through so many difficult situations.  Thank You for his kind and gentle spirit, and for his Christ-like attitude about everything.  Thank You for the 31 years You’ve given him, and that You’ve given us to enjoy his presence.

We don’t know what You have planned for his life, but we ask that You continue to guide, direct, energize and use him.  Help him as he finishes up school.  Guide him into the next phase of his life, in a way that he will have absolutely no question as to the way he should go.  As we dedicated Kevin to You when he was a child, we dedicate his future to You now.”

In Jesus’ name, amen!”

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